28 zip codes, 1 city.


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“Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.” 
~Peter McWilliams

Get ready for (DIS)COMFORT ZONE 2! 

After the success of (D)Z 1 in November, where 36 residents from 13 different ZIP Codes gathered to play games and get to know each other (, ZIP MKE and After Galleryare hosting the FIRST MOVIE NIGHT to engage a new crew of Milwaukeeans with

* a mystery movie, 
* theater food & drink, 
* post-film conversation, and, of course, 
* photos.

Wait...mystery movie, you say? Of course! Gotta make it a LITTLE uncomfortable at first--and get you to commit to attending an event where you don't know what you're getting yourself into.'s what we know: the movie WILL be one that investigates/interrogates our perceptions of each other, of the Other (regarding race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or otherwise). It might be, say, Spike Lee's DO THE RIGHT THING (race) or Ang Lee's BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (sexuality). It might be Stephen Daldry's THE HOURS (gender) or Marjane Satrapi's PERSEPOLIS (ethnicity). It could be old or new. Popular or obscure. In English or another language. We just don't know--and neither do you! Yet.

That's where you come in. Between now and Friday, December 8, at 11:59 pm, we'll be taking suggestions of films* that fit the bill. We'll add our own list to that list. Then, starting Saturday, December 9, we'll draw (trust us, we'll be honest) one movie from a hat each day until the day before (D)Z 2. At the beginning of our movie night, we'll draw from these ten--and away we'll go! WE won't even know what movie we'll be watching!

(D)Z is a free, monthly community engagement series built upon the idea that if we bring strangers together in a fun, safe environment that nonetheless has a slight air of mystery and a chance for slight discomfort, we can create opportunities for friendships, surprise, and understanding--basically, new comfort zones.

Please silence your cell phones and get ready for the movie!

Dominic Inouye, ZIP MKE
Darius Smith, After Gallery

* R-rated movies are acceptable. This most likely won't be a kid-friendly event given the potential subject matter (unless you're super progressive and are ok with exposing your kids to the real world!). Also, the movies need to be available either (1) on a DVD that you can loan us or (2) available on Netflix or Amazon Prime or another platform for streaming (please check!).

Earlier Event: November 18
Later Event: January 27
(DIS)COMFORT ZONE: Building Bridges