Welcome to ZIP MKE! — ZIP MKE
28 zip codes, 1 city.
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community stories.

Welcome to ZIP MKE!

You've found our blog!  I'm glad you're here.  

Thank you for your interest in ZIP MKE, the first crowdsourced zip code photography exhibit in Milwaukee!

Please join me and my team of "Zipsters," as we're calling ourselves, on this photographic journey to connect the city visually.  Our mission is to see the face of Milwaukee--scenically and socially--so that we can continue (or in some ways begin) to bridge the gaps between our geographic and social boundaries.  We hope you will help us by submitting your own photos (that will make you a Zipster, too)!

As we were getting ready to launch our website, I wrote an article for RelevantMilwaukee explaining why I'm doing this.  We hope it will inspire you to find your own reasons for taking part in this photographic revolution!

Get those cameras ready and start to see your city anew!


Dominic Inouye | Founder, ZIP MKE


Dominic InouyeZIP MKE